Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Final Technology Reflection

This course has taught me a tremendous amount of professional development to increase my knowledge of integrating technology into my classroom. This class has truly inspired me to be a better teacher. I search the Internet to see what digital tools that I can integrate into my lessons on a daily basis now. I love finding and implementing new ways to digitally teach. I can do this so easily with my interactive 3-M board. I have gained the knowledge and inspiration to use digital tools!

Technology not only is a great tool for this information age, but also to implement so many other skills into our learning. Incorporating technology in lessons will allow students to work collaboratively with others, think critically and creatively, problem solve, etc. It is an easy way to reach all different types of learners and make it fun at the same time!

There are so many great resources on the Internet. I am looking forward to incorporating all of the NETS standards into my life and curriculum so that I can safely integrate so many of the tools that I have learned about in this course. I am also looking forward to sharing many of the ideas with my colleagues.

There are so many tools that I have learned to use such as delicious.com, blogs, evaluating websites, moodles, web 2.0 resources, wikis, webquests, eportfolios, etc. Most importantly, our classmates shared many tools and resources together. We collaboratively shared with each other about new and updated technology and technology tools that were effective in his/her classrooms. As teachers we are life-long learners and need to update ourselves with new technological advances to teach to the best of our abilities.

week 7 discussion - Technology - Jacquie Bussen

Technology has had a major impact on my educational setting and will continue to impact my classroom even more in the future! As I looked back at the last 10 years, I pictured no home computers to dial up internet to high speed internet to wireless. I pictured myself in the library researching out of textbooks to now having the internet at my fingertips. Students will have the internet at their fingertips with immediate up-to-date information available. I have seen chalkboards change to dry erase boards to interactive smart boards and 3M boards. I can only imagine what the next 10 years will bring. I imagine that there will be online networks of teachers that teach lessons as teachers supervise. There will be distance education with satellite communication and video conferencing. I think students will each have their own hand held computer devices. Their assignments and homework will be completed and turned in electronically. The students will use their thumbprint to take attendance in the building and purchase food in the cafeteria. My husband had to use his thumbprint to enter and exit his CPA testing site. It is crazy to think how much the school systems have changed the past 10 years and will change the next 10 and then the next 10 years!

There have been many positive types of technology such as my 3-M board, document camera, and student lap tops with wireless internet, etc. provided in my classroom. I can do SOOO many interactive things with my students! There have also been many negative impacts such as many frustrations with servers and technology not working when that is what was planned for the class period! Also, there aren’t as many face-to-face or phone interactions with colleagues and parents due to email. The article by Doug Johnson brought up many negative impacts that I have experienced using the internet at school. Internet sites are blocked when you search. For example, in 8th grade, the Holocaust was very difficult to research due to most of the websites blocked. Also, there are many sites that are not blocked that should be. Topics seem to be under or over blocked! I had a 3rd grader search “sexy hot women” this year. Due to personal log-ins and filters, we knew he was searching this.

I would have loved to have had the many resources on internet safety and cyber bullying when I taught middle school. I would have many talks about this, but the videos and websites would have been very beneficial to me. I will pass this along to my middle school colleagues.

Some websites that I use are organized by subject area on my delicious page tabs. I linked them below if you are interested.






Monday, April 11, 2011

week 6 discussion - Google Apps - Jacquie Bussen

I have made a class website with Google Sites due to this class motivating me to finally make a class website. My students and parents are using it to stay connected with daily announcements and homework updates. They are also accessing my delicious page from my class website to find sites and games from my tabs. https://sites.google.com/site/mrsbussensclass/

I have downloaded Google Earth to also use in my classroom. This will allow me to show my students places around the world using Google Earth on my 3-M board when we are discussing or reading about any place/topic. I am so excited to use this with my class.

I have heard a lot about Google Docs and can't wait to research this over the summer and sign up.

On a personal note, I stumbled across igoogle when playing around and customized my google homepage. It now has the following: date/time, calculator, cnn updates, youtube, baseball updates, scholastic teacher book wizard, and weather. It is all at my fingertips right on my igoogle homepage:)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

week 5 discussion - PLN - Jacquie Bussen

I enjoyed researching the many links in the lecture and the week 5 discussion here on Professional Learning Networks. I bookmarked so many sites! I can't wait until summer break so that I can learn more of the many things to use as a teacher with Google. I bookmarked the Jefferson County Tennessee sites...they seem great when looking for lesson ideas, PowerPoint, activities, etc.

I joined the teachers.net mailring. I chose this site, because I could personalize what I wanted to subscribe to. I was a little confused, because I had to then go into my email and get a password. I don't know if I will have emails sent to me or I will have to sign in with the passwords. I received a different password for all of the different subscriptions. I chose: MO teachers, grade 4, learning centers, brainbased learning, and arts and crafts. They were all topics that I want to learn more about.

Technology truly helps teachers to learn new ideas to use in our classrooms! Things are always changing. I hope that through this subscription and my professional learning throughout my career, I will stay updated!